18 December, 2011

Make money by In-Image Advertising on your website or blog

It is a well known phrase that "A picture speaks a thousand words". So adding an appropriate image to an article on your website or blog can make a big difference by grabbing the reader’s attention.
If you have a website or a blog with a large number of images, then you can earn money by putting advertisements on to those images. This is a new kind of contextual advertising technique. It is called In-image Advertising. In-Image advertising uses various data about the image (like alt tag, title etc.) and the surrounding content to display the contextual ads on to the image. In-Image Advertising provides an opportunity to advertisers that they can now put their ads on to an image and at the same time web publishers get an opportunity to monetize the images on their website/blog.
The business model of In-Image Advertising is based on Cost-per-Click (CPC) or Cost-per-Thousand-Impressions (CPM) which is very similar to that of other advertising techniques like Banner Advertising, In-Text Advertising and In-Video Advertising. In-Image Advertisements can provide higher CPMs and Click-Through Rates (CTRs) than traditional on line advertising because it is user-initiated.
Many image centric websites like film reviews, celebrity news and gossip etc are using In-Image Advertising to earn a lot of revenue.

In-Image Advertising Demo

In order to use In-Image Advertisements on to your website or blog, you just need to sign up with one of the available In-Image Advertising networks and then add the JavaScript code provide by them to your website or blog. Once you complete these steps, the advertising network will start showing contextual ads on to the bottom or top region of images on your website/blog. The In-Image ads appear only when a user hovers over an image on the website or when the image is on focus. These overlay ads are transparent and can be crossed (X) out.

You can find a list of In-Image Advertising networks in this blog post.


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